Sunday, December 23, 2012

Roleplayer Questions ouo Lanie/Linsay Edition.

1:How long have you been roleplaying?
5 years. -3- Around July of 2007, when I was 12. I started in Harry Potter rps. c:
2:Do you wish you hadn't found roleplaying because it takes up your time?
Yes and no. I loooove rping sooo much. Ive met so many new friends from everywhere and I just LOVE getting to experiment with characters.
3:Do you think it's okay to fall in love with your roleplaying partner OOC and IC too?
Ive seen it happen, so yep. c:
4:If you could, and if you liked them, would you date your IC partner OOC too if it made you happy?
Sure, why not? You can if you want and if you both really liked each other, its possible and I would.
5:Why did you choose the family you are in now for your character?
Family? RP or actual family? I didnt technically choose my rp family, it just sort of happened, but the RP itself was chosen for me because of my friend, Zoe. Who is an admin there now. o3ov
6:What is your current status? Taken, single, crushing?
7:If you aren't taken, why? And if you are crushing, why aren't you with your crush?
Because its my choice all around. When I crush, I keep it hidden, except I usually reveal it to those who are /super/ duper close to me. There are reasons why I never reveal my crush and why I dont even try to find anyone. .3. If I reveal the main reason Im not with my previous crush, it would reveal who it is. .___.
8:Would you be scared if your current muse says they love you not in character, but out of character as well?
I wouldnt.
9:How many families have you been in with this character?
1, for Melanie. c;
10:How many characters have you roleplayed? Can you name them all?
BAHAHAA- Melanie, now, in K&A, 1st person POV;
Vixen, for 4 years
in a harry potter rp on facebook, 1st person POV.
Vixen (2), for 3 years
first rp, 3rd POV, on a hp website I forgot the name of it. otl
Lydia, for 2 years, Twilight based rp, 3rd POV.
Linsay, for 1 year, 2nd rp, 1st POV, some rp site I forgot about. o.e

11:If you had a previous character prior to this one, why did you delete them or abandon them?
Both Vixens because my sister deleted one and the other was getting old. I had to say goodbye. ; n ;
For Lydia, it was too much drama. WAAAY too much drama. For Linsay
I was an embarrassment to the world. Yeaaap.
12:Why are you still roleplaying?
I can escape from my world and the haters and onto the rp where there are sstill haters, no matter how much people say they love me. I act DIFFERENT on rp compared to outside. I have levels I can go through, but I overdue it with Melanie. Just cos.
13:Have you ever regretted doing something in your roleplay life that affected you ooc?
Probably. There was about 2 relationships that affected me ic and ooc. Its hard to deal with things when they start affecting you ooc. >.<
14:Do you sometimes feel too attached to your characters and partners that you sometimes get depressed ooc too?
Oho~ If you dont, youre lying. I adore my characters I create because I usually have reasoning for changing them or making them how they are. When things happen to them, Im affected! OTL
15:If you could change one thing you did with your character what would it be?
Letting her get so.. HYPER. Because the reasonin behind her going so hyper and uncontrollable is not going to be mentioned eue But it went out of hand I think. Melanie used to be more calm and sweet.. Believe it or not. o3o
16:Do you sometimes wish your roleplayed some one else?
On KA, never. I grew to love Melanie and Chocolat. <333
17:Have you ever cheated on your partner?
Thats just not right, so no.
18:Do you sometimes get your ic and ooc likes and dislikes mixed in with your muse? Do you think that's a good or bad thing?
I have. A bit. Sort of. c: I think it can be good, because it can make your muse/character more easy to relate and/or able to act like. For instance, I use candy as one of her biggest likes and I LOVE candy ooc, but I dont love it as much. Candy has been a base for her for a year or more now and Im starting to lower it just because.
19:Do you have more girl friends or boyfriends?
Probably girl. I have a bestie that is a boy, and then a couple close friends that are boys and I have a twinnie that is a boy, but mainly I like staying around girls. c:
20:Do you think it's okay to have more than one roleplay account and be in a relationship on all of them?
Its okay to have more than one, yes. Its fun! Having a r/s on all of them, sure! But dont let it get confusing. Ive seen people and done it once get confused.
21:Do you have more than one roleplay account?
Nope. Currently sticking to KA as Lanie. :D I dont have time anymore. otl
22:Where would you prefer to roleplay? Tumblr, Myspace, Forums, Facebook, AFF, Twitter? And why?
Tumblr is <3 , Forums are <3 and Facebook is <3  All others, no.
23:Is there someone you miss dearly that you left behind on an old roleplay account or they left you?
OHHH YEAAAH. </3 On every one I left, I left behind a few friends and barely kept contact with some. Thats my fault ;A; But people have left me, too, on purpose, on accident, or not by choice. So.
24:Do you wish you were in a different family at times?
Sometimes, yes. WHY? Because sometimes this one gets too.. mixed up and things happen and other things happen that you dont want and I want to disappear to a different family. But in the end, K&A has become a loving family I cant leaveyet. ouo;
25:Do you feel lonely most of the time you roleplay?
Neveeer. If Im online by myself, I just lurk, but when someone is here I try to talk to them. There are some I can tell dont like Lanie, which Im fine by, but I usually push that aside and try rping with them. Lanie never gives up. c;
26:Would you prefer having a lot of friends or being in a relationship without any friends at all?
Having a lot of friends. I depend on my friends here. <3 They are amazing and just like me. I know people assume love conquers all, but if you had your love gone on hiatus and no friends, it would suck A LOOOT. u-u
27:Do you ever feel bad when you tell your RP directory you're switching directories? Why or why not?
Ive done this and yes, I did. u-u
28:How did you first come across roleplays? Why were you intrigued to join?
My sister joined an HP rp online, which became my first rp months later. I looove Harry Potter so joining seemed sooo fun. And I was 12 at the time, so it really felt like I was in that series. ouo
29:Why did you chose the character you roleplay now?
I didnt choose. Zoe & Krystal chose Melanie for me so Fiona, AKA Tia in the RP, would have a member from her group. c: So I was happy to make her happy and befriend her. Since she left, I have been sad IRL as well IC. She was really dear to me and a sweetheart. ; u ; <33
30:If your muse is in a relationship, why does your muse like your current partner?
She isnt. otl
31:If your muse isn't in a relationship, why do you think they aren't?
Her choice and her choice alone. I had a friend say they would make my previous crush and I get together and I forbid it. u-u
32:Do you currently hate any roleplayer at the moment?
BAHAHHAHA- Im not going to point fingers. Thats rude!
33:Who is your favorite muse to roleplay as, why or why not?
So far, I have really like the muse for Melanie. Even though she is annoying and whatnot, there are reasons and I like who she is. <3
34:What muse would you recommend others not to roleplay as? Why?
Someone who is a player. u-ub
35:What is one of the worst experiences you've had since you've roleplayed?
36:What is the most memorable experience you've had since you've roleplayed?
There are tooo many. ; u ;
37:Admit it, do you only talk to roleplayers if they are your bias?
That has happened, but now, not so much. ouov
38:Do you think it's annoying when girls find out there are male roleplayers and attach themselves to them?
39:Do you get jealous easily if your muses partner is flirting with someone else?
Doesnt everyone? o3o
40:What is the one thing you absolutely hate about roleplaying?
I cant think of one..
41:What is the one thing you absolutely love about roleplaying?
Interacting with people ; u ;
42:From your experience of roleplaying, so far, how many idols have been ruined in your mind because of a bad roleplayer? (Feel free to estimate)
43:From your roleplaying experience, I'm sure there are always that one idol's - no matter who roleplays them - that always annoys you whenever you talk to them, so which idol always lets you down?
Thats pointing fingers. .___.
44:Is there a roleplay that you envy? They seem popular, everyone likes them, they are friendly? Do you wish to be like them?
I think you meant roleplayer right thar. eue But yeah. From KA, there are a few, but Im not pointing fingers.
45:Do you get uncomfortable when you're roleplaying and your partner switches to OOC or talks to you OOC? Why or why not?
Not really. Im totally fine with OOC chatter, but what some newer rpers need to keep in mind is, this is a roleplay. ROLEPLAYING MAJORS OUT AND IS MORE APPROPRIATE. otl
46:If you've switched characters, can you tell us a brief decision on why, or just because you wanted a change?
I havent on KA, so.. ._.
But I did once on a tumblr rp and it was because I got irritated.
47:Tell the truth, are you basically always on the computer to roleplay? Do you have no life outside of roleplaying?
I spend a lot of time rping, but I spend a lot of time focusing on school, too, and my future career. I start college next year and I have A LOT to do. I have a social life, yes. LOLOL
48:What is one thing you absolutely want to or are dying to do with roleplay before you suddenly quit roleplaying all together?
Let Melanies life get moreevened out? ouo Shes got a lot of secrets and things she needs to get out, but wont.
49:Do you believe if you were to put your version of your character up against the idol in real life that they would be completely alike, or not a like at all? Why or why not?
No. There might be similarities because Melanie irl talks a lot, she is hyper and not shy, and thats how my Melanie is, but Melanie irl isnt obsessed with candy or annoying on purpose I think. xD
50:Are you one of those roleplayers who is a mystic creature or baby? Why or why not?
Flying Squirrel right here. B| KA doesnt have limits, so Im a flying squirrel. xD
51:Is the character you are roleplaying one of your bias'?
Melanie has become my bias, yes. <3
52:Would you be okay if your muses partner got onto your account or would you rather keep what you have there a secret?
BAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH no. Never. I mean SUUURE get on and read stuff, I have nothing to hide, but no. Personal stuff. Personal confessions to friends. GET AWAY D:< *has no partner anyways*
53:If you are in a directory at the moment, what is the one thing you'd want your directory to fix?
Arent directories on Tumblr?
54:What is one situation or idea you are dying to roleplay?
Memory loss. Zoe/Juliane and I did a small thing over memory loss where I lost my memory and she tried triggering it back and Melanie changed soooo much. <3
55:Is there a current idol you have never spoken to yet but you are dying to find one to talk to?
Anyone. xD I think Ive talked to a lot though.
56:Do you use your roleplay account more than your personal? Do you feel like your roleplay account has technically /become/ your personal account?
57:Do you wish roleplayers never mention their ooc? Why or why not?
Honestly, yeah, kinda. I only saw people talk in OOC in kpop roleplays.. so.. .__.
58:A few months back people became obsessed with saying they would commit suicide on their RP accounts; granted this is a touchy subject but out of curiosity were you one of the persons that were worried they really would, or did you think they were being attention seekers? What is your out look and opinion?
I always worry. Thats a serious matter so why take their small confession for granted?
59:Do you feel like you have freedom to express yourself as your roleplay? Why or why not?
I do. Melanie is open, does what she wants, and gets away with a lot. She has haters, I know u-u and she has some limits as to where she cant express her thoughts, but otherwise, yes.
60:Have you ever gotten hate mail? And if you have did it hurt you OOC too? Why do you presume you got hate mail if you did, or why do you think you haven't gotten any?
No. I dont think so. If I would, it would hurt. Ive had people say things I dont think they meant seriously, but recently something was said and it hurt OOC so much that I messaged my bestie I was going to quit.
61:Is there anything else you'd like to get out about roleplaying that you've been dying to ever since you started?
Roleplaying is fun, a place to run to, and a great place overall, but make sure to separate OOC and IC because if you get too affected OOC it can cause problems. But feel free to use your irl self as a muse. Thats fine, too. c:
62:Ask any question you want or state any last opinion.
I have none. LOL

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