Saturday, November 19, 2011

Unexpected (:

English rose, Brother Cadfael - often mistaken for peonies

There comes a time in life when you expect the unexpected
When the rain falls and it's sunny outside
When the wind blows, but the trees and leaves don't move
When the Earth moves, but no one feels it;

With every step, every movement of my body
I get closer and closer to another unexpected moment
As if Fate has everything planned;

Just like a flower, I bloom with each day,
I close each night,
I hope to find love,
and I long to stay alive;

But as the Earth shifts and times starts to fade
and with each beat of the drum and call of the wild
My petals start to wilt and my stem starts to die;

I'm not saying life is short or that I'm dying.
The point is is that beauty lies all around us
Unexpected things happen every day
You're not alone in this world and there will always be someone who feels the same
You are a blessing, a gift from God
and someday, somewhere, somehow...

you'll find the one.

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